Islamabad: the government has been announced the prices of petroleum products


Islamabad: the government has been announced in the prices of petroleum products by the government.
According to details, gasoline is 4 RS 86 money per litre. 90 Rs 97 money has been per liter when diesel 4 RS 26 money cheap. 106 Rs 68 money per liter Has happened.
52 money has been reduced in the oil of the soil, after which the new price is 82 Rs 98 money will be per liter and has been reduced to 2 Rupees 16 money in the light diesel, new price 75 Rs 28 money will be per liter.
The new prices of petroleum products will be from 12 pm tonight.
It was clear that the oil and gas monitoring authority (,) had recommended 9 rupees in the prices of petroleum products.
, was sent to the petroleum division in the prices of petroleum products from st January. in which 15 rupees in the price of high-speed diesel, 9 rupees in the price of gasoline, in the price of light diesel, 2 25 money per liter was recommended in the price of rs and soil oil.

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