Time Has Change But God's Sunnah does not change for anyone By Ch Umar Farooq


  It is the Time of 1850 in Delhi, it is about 3:30 AM time in the morning and has swung in the civil line. The 50-year-old captain, Robert, and eighteen-year-old Lieutenant Henry, have been awake for the drill Two hours later, British troops also during the Tashkent Awakening and exercising exercise English women have gone out riding horses Seven times British magistrates have sat on their own chair in offices, East India company ambassador Sir Thomas Muttafah has finished the work in the afternoon. The letters have been answered, the latest situation of Bahadur Shah Zafar has been shifted to Aagra and Calcutta. Or at one day on the day of the day, a roadblock on a roadside bomb has gone to the house to interfere. It is the time when the first phase of "morning" in the royal palace of Lal Fort is beginning to start at the palace of Zaliyyah. At the time of Sadiq, the mourning and the elders went to dream dreams, now the kinsmen are washing their faces in the vessel vessel, and towel, rod and royal nose are clearing, and Hakim Chaman Lal The golden olives are found on the royal pearls of peace. The documentary evidence of the fact that the time of breakfast at Lal Fort and the British part of the Delhi in the afternoon was the same as the lunch time. The time for fighting more than two thousand princes, poultry, pigeon and mothers was the same. ,

Now a hundred years or a half years go back

Young British people from the UK come to the ports of Kolkata, Hugli and Madras; Rainy weather is mosquitoes and water is malaria, and the average two British people die daily, but a person does not return from this "Muragabad". Nawab Siraj Batti Traveling with ornaments are made with jewelery, every cholocus is relaxed after the Lord Claye Pyralid is riding on the horse's back.

Now, in 2018, more than fifty percent of American Americans eat dinner at 7:00 pm and they are in bed for eight o'clock and wake up at 5:00 am before the elderly doctor is present at the hospital at six o'clock in the morning. There are no offices, factories, institutions, hospitals in the United States Japan Australia and Singapore, where people are up to nine and nine o'clock if duty is nine.

God's Sunnah does not change for anyone, he has no relatives nor does he grieve anyone, nor will anyone work hard for him, he will succeed at the work of Christian worker Thomson Metaphor seven days a towel The face of the face, Bahadur Shah Zafar, is not the king, 'Why will not the king be destroyed' in the Badar, the angels were brought to Nath, but before the Muslims occupied the springs of water which was not easy and God's beloved night The policy was either bidding or lying down! It is surprising that the people who are saying openly to the nation after saying that Pakistan was made for the eighth Ramadan, no one can do it without hair, could it be a relative to Pakistan, and was the enemy of the ruler of Pakistan. Islamabad is the central government offices or offices or semi-government offices in the provinces, everywhere, Lal Lala is a visit to the lifestyle, how many ministers how many doctors how many doctors how many DCOs many DCOs how many DCOs are how many clerk eight o'clock duty But are you mad? Can this nation be destroyed by destroying a nation in which no one can be divided on the face of Masood because he does not wake up before noon, and no one prays at that afternoon, but the cum By the time, remote control enters remote control, while some are proud that they arrive at three o'clock in the afternoon, are there any limitations to the moral pace of this society, where the time of 8pm is written on wedding invitations It goes and is served at night and afternoon at night and guests are suffering from the foreheads or the glimpse of the hostages is seen. Something is waiting! Is the power hoping we will come straight?


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