Dog Health Exposed: A Guide for Imperfect Dog Owners Book Review

Dog Health Exposed

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Dog Health Exposed, Prepare for emergencies + 50% Comms! Perfect guide for imperfect dog owners!


This book is for people who want to understand the importance of their dogs' health and know how to protect it. It's also for dog owners who want to learn more about their furry friend and make sure they don't make any mistakes with his care.


Table of contents with 35 items

✓ Understand ingredients

✓ Vitamin and mineral supplements

✓ Boredom and variety

✓ Homemade diets

✓ Food allergies

✓ Signs of illness and others 29

HIS BOOK has 46 pages

No time to read?

  • The book is short and to the point.

  • It's easy to read, which is a good thing because you can't afford any time lost on reading!

  • You'll find all of the information you need in this one book with its simple writing style.

  • You'll be able to understand everything that's being said by following along with each page as they are read aloud by your dog trainer girlfriend or husband (it's up to you).

  • If there are any questions left unanswered at the end of your training session, just ask them again when next we meet up again - I'm sure everything will be clear then!

What's in this book?

This book is about dog health. It's written in a friendly, friendly tone of voice and style, but also with an air of authority. The book will give you all the information you need to be a better owner and make your pet happy!


If you love your dog, then this is the book for you. This comprehensive guide can help you prepare for emergencies and will teach you how to keep your pet safe during those times of need.

The author has spent years training dogs in the United States and Europe, so she has firsthand experience with what works and what doesn’t when it comes to ensuring their safety. In addition to providing practical advice on caring for your pet’s health at home, she also provides inspiration by sharing her own stories about how her dogs have helped her through difficult times in life as well as entertaining anecdotes from other owners who share similar experiences with their pets.

This book covers everything from basic care such as vaccination schedules (including rabies), flea prevention strategies (including collars), grooming tips (including coat maintenance), diet information regarding raw meats vs commercial kibble brands) so that dog owners can make informed decisions based on real-world situations rather than just relying solely upon generalizations offered by industry professionals who may not have any personal experience whatsoever dealing with specific issues faced daily by individual families across different socio-economic backgrounds across America's four corners region."

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Unit 1 - Dogs Are Furry.

Dogs are furry. They’re not just companions, partners or pets; they are part of the family.

You might think that dogs are just animals, but they're actually quite intelligent creatures who can learn and understand many different things. They have their own personalities and preferences which make them unique individuals that deserve your attention and respect as much as any human child does!

Unit 2 - Dogs Have Brains.

Dogs have brains.

Dogs have emotions.

Dogs can be trained and taught, just like any other creature. They are very smart animals that want to please their master in any way they can, so training is important for your dog's wellbeing as well as yours! If you're looking for an easy way to teach your pooch tricks or commands, look no further than our guide on how best to do so!

Unit 3 - Healthy Dogs Make Happy Owners.

There are many reasons to own a dog. Dogs can help you relax, exercise and even save your life!

If you're looking for the perfect companion who will make your life easier, then look no further than our guide on how to be a better dog owner.

Unit 4 - Dogs Are Not Just Companions, They're Partners.

Dogs are not just companions, they are partners.

Dogs are not just pets, they are partners.

Dogs do not exist to serve us humans—they have their own agenda and desires that we must respect as much as our own.

They're loyal and loving, but they can also be stubborn or aggressive at times if you don't know how to handle them properly!

Unit 5 - Your Dog's Health Affects You Too.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to your dog's health is that they are not just animals, they're family. It is easy to think of them as companions or pets, but they are so much more than that. Dogs are our partners in life and should be treated with respect and love like any other member of our family would be treated.

In Unit 5 - Your Dog's Health Affects You Too., we'll discuss what kind of care you need to take when caring for your dog's health while also giving tips on how you can keep yourself safe from common diseases like cancer or heart disease that could threaten your life if left untreated until later down the road when symptoms start appearing earlier than usual due to years spent neglecting their diet or lifestyle choices (e..g excessive smoking).


We hope you enjoyed this book! We know it can be hard to get through all the content, but we also know that it’s not easy when you have a loved one who is sick or injured. If there’s anything else you would like us to add or change, please let us know in the comments below.

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